Kidlington & District Historical Society
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Kidlington People in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Associated with the village:
ARROWSMITH, Aaron the elder (1750 – 1823). Cartographer and map publisher. Curate 1842.
BEECHAM, Thomas (1820 – 1907). Manufacturer of patent medicines. Village postman and sold his patents in local markets.
BOUCHIER, Thomas (1633- 1723). Civil lawyer. Owned a farm in Kidlington.
BURROW, Thomas (1909-1926). Orientalist. Regular at a Kidlington pub house.
CONANT, John (1608 -1694) Preached as vicar at Kidlington.
CURTIS, Lionel George (1872-1955). Writer and public servant. Lived at Hales Croft. Fellow of All Souls College and friend of Lawrence of Arabia.
DESAGULIERS, John Thomas (1683-1744). Natural philosopher and engineer. Married daughter of William Pudsey of Kidlington.
ENNALS, David Hedley, Baron Ennals (1922-1995). Politician. Parish Councillor.
FIELD, Edward (1801-1876). Bishop of Newfoundland. Curate.
GRAY, Francis (Frank) James ( 1880-1935) . Politican. Founded Zoo at Kidlinton, and housing in Kidlington.
GREGORY, John (1607 – 1646) Orientalist. Lived in the village
HARMSWORTH, Alfred Charles William, Viscount Northcliffe (1865-1922). Journalist and newspaper proprietor. Married daughter of Robert Milner of Kidlington
HUDSON, Sir Robert Arundell (1864-1927) Political organizer. Married widow of Viscount Northcliffe – daughter of Robert Milner of Kidlington
MORTON, Sir William (bap 1605 – d.1672). Judge and politican. Built almshouse
MONTGOMERY, Elizabeth (1902 – 1993) . daughter of William Montgomery, curate. With two other women traded under the name “Motley” as theatre designers.
PLESSIS, John de, seventh earl of Warwick (d.1263). Royal Counsellor. 1261 fined 400 marks to retain the manor of Kidlington
PRIDEAUX, John (1578-1650). Bishop of Worcester. Fellow and then Head (Rector) of Exeter College and became Rector of Kidlington.
REINAGLE, (nee Orger) Caroline (1817-1892). Pianist and composer. Supported women’s education. Lived at Kidlington and ashes buried there.
REINAGLE, Joseph (1762-1825). Instrumentalist and composer. Married Caroline Orger. Died at Kidlington.
STAPLETON, (nee Dolman), Mary Helen Alicia (1837 – 1918). Local historian. Author of Three Oxfordshire Parishes: Kidlington, Yarnton and Begbroke.
TESDALE, Thomas (bap 1547, d. 1610). Benefactor. Lived at Ludwell Manor near Kidlington
ULLMANN, Stephen (1914-1976). Linguistic scholar. Died suddenly in Evans Lane Post Office near his home.